Monday, November 8, 2010

Bilawal Thaat

Bilawal thaat is equivalent to the Ionian mode or major scale in Western music. It is the classic Do Re Me Fa So La Ti Do.

The notes are as follows: Sa Re Ga ma Pa Da Ni Sa'. I have started my practice with Sa on C.

When I first bought my harmonium two years ago my boyfriend at the time taught me about Western scales using the methods he learned in high school music class. He taught me that in a major scale, the notes jump a half note between the 3rd and 4th notes and the 7th and 8th. He had me practice in C, and then apply this rule to the other notes and write the scales out in notation. I wrote out and learned this scale in all 12 keys. He then had me do the same for the minor scale (which I now know to be Asawari thaat). Did I practice them? No. I skipped straight to learning songs. I should find that old notebook.

However, in the last two years I've mostly been learning Western songs with chords. In this practice I have gained a familiarization with these two scales by learning chords and moving songs up and down in key. I'm acquainted with this scale -- it's natural or "easy" when Sa is C because the scale is all white keys. I have been practicing my Sargam exercises in Bilawal thaat with Sa at C every day for a week. As this scale sounds so common to my ear, my singing and playing can move to the background. Thus, I can focus on hand and finger placement and finger transfers. This has been invaluable training and wiring for my brain and hand. Ever lose yourself on a flight of stairs? For whatever reason you miss a step or your feet get tangled under each other and you stumble one or two steps? That's what it feels like when you watch your hand miss a step playing a harmonium scale. You see your fingers play the keys and know that you'll have to transfer fingers to allow extra digits to finish the scale. Somehow, your fingers get mixed up and confused and you wind up with three fingers on one key. Collect your thoughts; acknowledge the digit that has the right of way; keep going.

Today I am going to try Sa as D.

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